Research Fields

The NILIM have twelve research departments. Click the department which you are interested in.

Water Supply and Sewerage River Sabo Road Traffic
Road Structures Building Housing Urban Planning
Coastal, Marine and Disaster Prevention Airport Research Center for Infrastructure Management Port and Harbor

Water Supply and Sewerage Department

The Water Supply and Sewerage Department researches technical standards and management methods for sewerage facilities in order to protect hygienic living environments and beautiful water environments, reduce flood damage in cities, and at the same time, to conserve the global environment and form a recycling society.

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River Department

The River Department conducts research on technologies to plan, design, manage, and perform crisis management concerning facilities on rivers, coastlines, and at dams to ensure the safety and peace of mind of the people of Japan against floods, tsunamis, and other natural disasters and increasingly severe conditions caused by climate change. The department also works to maintain beautiful national land by preserving rivers, coastlines, water cycles, and sediment systems in good condition.

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Sabo Department

In order to protect human lives and property from sediment disasters in the face of the occurrence of large-scale sediment disasters caused by torrential rain, earthquakes, and so on, the Sabo Department’s mission is to study effective methods of evaluating sediment disaster risks, Sabo planning and facility design methods, and early warning systems.

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Road Traffic Department

Roads support the transport of people and goods, fill other diverse road functions including accommodation, environmental, and disaster protection space provision and provide a variety of other functions and services including places for city dwellers to gather. The Road Traffic Department researches technologies that clarify, evaluate, and improve these functions including from the quality perspective and the use of ICT (information communication technologies).

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Road Structures Department

The Road Structures Department conducts research on better design, execution and maintenance and maintenance methods for road structures and technological standards that achieve these, so that road networks can appropriately perform their functions, such as ensuring safe and smooth traffic and supporting social and economic activities of all kinds plus emergency response to disasters etc.

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Builiding Department

The Building Department ensures that buildings, in which people live and conduct economic activities, may be used in a safe and comfortable manner by researching standards for such factors as structures, fire prevention, environment and facilities, systems to verify such standards, and performance evaluations of buildings.

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Housing Department

Aiming to realize quality residential living for the people, it is necessary to take measures such as the formation of good housing and housing environments, adjustment of the condition of the housing market and provision of residential stability for the people. The Housing Department is involved in research concerning technology and methods for 1) extending the useful lives of houses, 2) renewal/utilization of existing housing stock, 3) housing for the aged and a residential safety-net and 4) measures for environmental performance and energy conservation.

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Urban Planning Department

The Urban Planning Department researches evaluation methods and technologies for the reconstruction of urban structures, improving the safety of cities, and forming urban environments needed to create low carbon cities, in order to create sustainable cities in the face of changing social conditions such as a falling birthrate and aging of society, and spreading global environmental problems.

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Port, Coastal and Marine Department

In the port sector, ports and harbors are required to strengthen their structures, functions and international competitiveness in the face of increasing the volume of container transport and the larger vessels, mainly in Asia. Based on this background, Port, Coastal and Marine Department facilitates research in planning for use and construction of the entire port, ideal facilities and more efficient construction methods.
In the coastal fields, in order to protect the environment in coastal areas and enhance disaster prevention, our department conducts research on development of environmental restoration methods, damage estimation caused by tsunami and storm surges, and the maintenance of tidal protection facilities. In addition, we also conduct research on utilization developments of coastal areas based on characteristics there.

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Support Center for Port and Harbor Advanced Information Technology

Support Center for Port and Harbor Advanced Information Technology focuses on the stable operation of the CP information system and the support operations for the establishment of CP measures. In addition, in the light of digitation of port operation, we promote investigation and research on i-con and BIM/CIM, and conduct advanced research and development with the aim of progress toward DX (Digital Transformation), such as promotion of use of remote sensing technology and advancement of operations using disaster prevention information.

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Airport Department

The Airport Department conducts research to facilitate policy-making to strengthen Japan’s international competitiveness and revitalize local economies, standards to ensure risk management, safety, and security, and efficient maintenance methods etc. in the midst of the process of deregulation of aviation.

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Research Center for Infrastructure Management

The Research Center for Land and Construction Management conducts research on various interdisciplinary efforts including measures to prepare for large-scale earthquakes, maintenance methods for public capital facilities, effectiveness representation methods, effective Construction Production Systems including the supporting information infrastructure and public works procurements, landscaping or ecology, and so on.

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