2021 Annual Report of NILIM
Message of Director-General |
The Mission of NILIM: Research that Pursues the Essential by Focusing on Reality |
Opening report |
Messages from Departments and Centers of NILIM |
1. Reserch to support national resilience, safety, and security |
2. Research to support strong, sustainable economic growth |
Survey of local governments on their intentions to introduce new technologies (to shift to smart cities) to solve urban problems |
3. Research to support community development that serves as a foundation for the good life |
4. Support for disaster response |
5. Technical consultation and technical support |
Development of Strength Performance and Practical Structure Required for Bollards to be Installed on Sidewalks at Intersections |
6. Collection, analysis, management of data, return to society |
Analysis of the Periodic Inspection Results of Sheds, Large Culverts, etc. |
7. Research Coordination |
Technical cooperation |
8. International Research Activities |
International Research Activities |